Mariana Mae

Mariana Mae is an artist, cultural bridge and medicine arts practitioner native to Coyoacan, Tenochtitlan, Mexico. Her Life’s work is anchored in the core principle of recognizing Ethnicity, Ethics, Expression + Empowerment in the Creative, Ancestral, Healing Arts through a Holistic, Trauma-informed and Integrative approach. She is the founder of MAE Earth Medicine Arts School, MAI KAYA, and the co-founder of Tierra Viviente. Devoted to her path of Curanderismo, Mariana has been in study with the Plants for a decade, and a student of the Lopez-Sanchez Shipibo lineage for 3 years. Her walk is informed by her alliance with various Indigenous Traditions through their Healing Systems, Cultural Education and Craft Preservation. Her work intersects Traditional Earth-based Medicine and Somatic Integration with Self-Responsibility, Authentic Leadership + Collective Care.