Ana Lisbeth Bonilla Carillo

Lisbeth Kupuri is a mother and Wixárika (Huichol) professional linguist currently residing in Guadalajara, Jalisco. She is a cultural activist, as well as a Spanish-Wixárika translator. Some notable projects in which she has recently collaborated: Translation of the book “‘Ɨxatsika nekie miemete” (Stories of My Community) published by the ITESO University in 2022; coordinator and translator of the bilingual book “Neniuki. Narrativa Infantil Wixárika” (Neniuki. Wixárika Children's Narrative) published by the State of Jalisco Ministry of Cultural Affairs in 2023. Currently she is working with the organization “Hablemos de Hikuri” (Let's talk about Hikuri) since 2016. This organization is an intercultural and interdisciplinary group that aims to raise awareness about the critical situation of the peyote cactus, as well as helping the Wixárika people in their reforestation and sustainable harvesting efforts. She also works for the Alejandro Diaz Foundation, A.C., aiding young Wixárika artists and artisans in their professional pursuits.